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Whitmore Primary School and Nursery


English at Whitmore incorporates the teaching of a variety of different text types across each year, as well as key grammar, punctuation and handwriting skills, so that children are able to meet the end of Key Stage 2 expectations when they are in year 6.  Whilst we have mapped the skill and objectives we teach by term, we also adapt our teaching to the needs of the children.  This means that children may encounter reading question types and writing techniques in lessons throughout the year.  Our writing curriculum is underpinned by the plans provided by the Literacy Tree, and often linked to the books that each class is reading.  In addition, we use the Nelson handwriting scheme so that our children are able to develop their own neat and joined style when they are in year 6.  Our English subject leaders are Mrs Eley, Miss Channing and Miss Jaconelli.